Meeting of Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, with Prime Minister Kiril Petkov

Photo CM Education and science are a top priority for the cabinet because they are the main factors of economic development. This became clear at a meeting of the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, and Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, held at the Council of Ministers on 10 February. […]

2022-02-18T10:06:15+02:00Friday, 11 February 2022|Categories: General Academic News|

Let us remember about Acad. Blagovest Sendov (1932-2020)

90th anniversary of the birth of acad. Blagovest Sendov was celebrated by BAS in “Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of the Academy. His colleagues, long-time collaborators and friends spoke about his life and work. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, opened the event in memory of Acad. Sendov by emphasizing that Acad. Sendov was a pioneer in many fields. He recalled his mathematical interests and the school he founded, the introduction of computing in Bulgaria and of computational mathematics, his contributions to education and internationally. He was a great statesman, he saw very far ahead and he not only looked into every problem but also found a solution, noted Acad. Revalski and urged to follow his legacy in the future. [...]

2022-02-09T13:32:25+02:00Tuesday, 8 February 2022|Categories: General Academic News|

Evrika Award for Achievement in Science for a Young Scientist from BAS

The winners of the 2021 prizes were announced by Evrika Foundation. They are awarded to young people for their significant achievements in science, for inventions of great social significance, for achievements in the management of business organizations and for the highest results in the development of agricultural activities. […]

2022-02-07T09:42:28+02:00Wednesday, 2 February 2022|Categories: General Academic News|
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