Sofia Science Festival

Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences took part in the Sofia Science Festival, which was held on 8 and 9 October in Sofia Tech Park. Among the highlights of the programme were lectures by the winners of the Pythagoras Prize for Contribution to Science of the Ministry of Education and Science. Prof. Pavlina Dolashka Prof. Dr. Margarita Popova (Scientific Secretary of division “Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies”) presented original scientific approaches in the field of nanomaterials, which allow the preparation of new materials with a variety of predefined characteristics. Their applications range from the development of innovative drug systems to the search for new alternative energy sources, the synthesis of valuable chemical compounds, to the creation of sustainable and waste-free technologies for [...]

2022-11-03T15:28:51+02:00Tuesday, 11 October 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Participation of Prof. Revalski, Full Member of BAS, and Prof. Koseva in the forum “Science and Technology in Society”

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski and the Scientific Secretary-General Prof. Neli Koseva participated in the 19th Annual Meeting of the "Science and Technology in Society", forum which was held from 2 to 4 October in Kyoto, Japan. The meeting was attended by nearly 1,000 global experts from over 80 countries, regions and international organizations. The main objective of the meeting was to hold discussions on the progress of science and technology for the benefit of humanity. During his visit to Kyoto, Prof. Revalski and Prof. Koseva met with the President of the scientific organization RIKEN Prof. Makoto Gonokami. They discussed the possibilities for cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Japanese scientific organization. The President of BAS and the Scientific Secretary-General [...]

2022-11-02T15:45:47+02:00Thursday, 6 October 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

European Researchers’ Night 2022

The European Researchers’ Night 2022 initiative, under the motto "Science and innovation are the key to the desired future", took place on 30 September and 1 October across the country. More than 10 scientific units of BAS took part in the event with demonstrations, educational experiments, lectures, exhibitions and presentations of current projects and scientific results. The official opening took place in the Ancient Cultural and Communication Complex Serdika, Sofia. The Vice-President of BAS Corr. Mem. Evdokia Pasheva noted that the European Researchers’ Night is an opportunity for more people to experience the charm of science and for more young talents to be attracted by it. At BAS, we have always stimulated innovative projects, said Corr. Mem. Pasheva. During the opening ceremony, the prizes of [...]

2022-11-02T15:33:11+02:00Monday, 3 October 2022|Categories: General Academic News|

Cooperation between scientists and business was discussed by Prof. Revalski and Minister Alexander Pulev

The partnership between Bulgarian scientists and business was discussed at a meeting in BAS by the President of the Academy Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, and the Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev. Scientists will be given the opportunity to implement their scientific developments in cooperation with Bulgarian companies. The joint activity may receive support and funding from the programmes of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth for which about BGN 2 billion have been provided, it became clear at the meeting. Opportunities for scientists and innovative enterprises to cooperate with foreign partners in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics were also discussed. The Vice-President of BAS Corr. Mem. Stefan Hadjitodorov introduced Minister Pulev to the latest applied developments, innovations, patents [...]

2022-09-23T17:16:38+03:00Tuesday, 13 September 2022|Categories: General Academic News|

Prof. Julian Revalski spoke with the Ambassador of Turkey H.E. Aylin Sekizkök

The cooperation between Bulgarian and Turkish scientists was discussed at a meeting of the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bulgaria H.E. Aylin Sekizkök. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences works within the framework of bilateral agreements with two Turkish scientific organizations: TÜBİTAK – the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and TÜBA – the Turkish Academy of Sciences. Scientists and PhD students from BAS and universities in Turkey carry out mobilities under nearly 30 Agreements funded by the Erasmus+ programme. During the meeting, the possibility for BAS with its expertise in the field of historical sciences to participate in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey [...]

2022-09-14T17:10:16+03:00Wednesday, 7 September 2022|Categories: General Academic News|

Meeting of Corr. Mem. Pasheva with Prof. Imasiku Nyambe

The Vice-President of BAS Corr. Mem. Evdokia Pasheva met with Prof. Imasiku Nyambe, Vice-President of the Zambia Academy of Sciences. Prof. Nyambe is visiting Bulgaria on the occasion of the XXII Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, which will be held from 6 to 11 September in Plovdiv. Corr. Mem. Pasheva presented the experience of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the field of international cooperation and the main moments of the history of the oldest institution in modern Bulgaria. The opportunities for Bulgarian scientists to participate in scientific activities in Zambia were discussed. The meeting was attended by Acad. Ivan Zagorchev and Prof. Irena Peytcheva, representative of the organizing committee of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association 2022.

2022-09-14T17:11:09+03:00Thursday, 1 September 2022|Categories: General Academic News|
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