The event of BAS and BSMEPA “Science for Business” is postponed until further notice

The joint event of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) Science for Business is postponed in relation to the preventive measures against the spread of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus). The event was scheduled for 19 March 2020, “John Atanassov” Innovation Forum, Sofia Tech Park. When setting a new date for the meeting, BAS and BSMEPA will inform the registered participants and the general public in due time. All over 400 registered forum participants will keep their registrations, receiving information on the new date by email.

2020-03-11T16:55:09+02:00Monday, 9 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

The Academies of Sciences of Bulgaria and Romania with 40 joint projects in 2020

The cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania in the field of science and culture was discussed at a meeting in BAS by the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Julian Revalski, full member of the Academy, and the Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria, H.E. Ion Gâlea. The academies of sciences of the two countries have been linked since their inception - in 1866, the Romanian Academy was established, and three years later, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was founded in the city of Braila. Scientists from both academies work together on scientific projects, with a total number of projects expected to exceed 40 in 2020.

2020-03-06T16:51:08+02:00Monday, 2 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Prof. Gérard Mourou: The power of the extreme-light laser is 1000 times bigger than the power of the world energy network

The laser with ultra-high intensity pulses is 1000 times more powerful than the World Energy Network. This was said by the Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2018, Professor Gérard Mourou, during his lecture. The French scientist was honored with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for his achievements in the field of laser science and technology at a ceremony held on 25 February in the “Marin Drinov” Hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. […]

2020-02-28T15:52:08+02:00Tuesday, 25 February 2020|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, General Academic News, Selected|

Talented pupils present projects at the jubilee science fair “150th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”

Young talents present 15 projects in the field of natural sciences within the jubilee science fair “150 Years of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”. The two-day event is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science and is being held in the conference hall of the Ancient Cultural and Communication Complex “Serdika” (Sofia Largo). […]

Communication from the Board of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

On 03.12.2019, the Assembly of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) adopted a “Charter of the Macedonian Language”. It constructs historical and linguistic arguments in defense of the official literary language of the Republic of North Macedonia as a separate, independent language with continuity and genealogy defined in Skopje as “Macedonian”. The document raises very serious scientific objections. Therefore, it has been discussed by the Board of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, after which opinions have been requested and presented by three institutes of the Academy: the Institute for Bulgarian Language, the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre and the Institute for Historical Studies. The submitted opinions have also been supported by individual positions of members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS [...]

2020-01-21T15:21:09+02:00Wednesday, 11 December 2019|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|Tags: |

Bulgaria and Cuba will partner in the field of science

The parameters of a future co-operation agreement between Bulgaria and Cuba were discussed at a meeting by the President BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to our country, H.E. Caridad Yamira Cueto Milián. A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of scientific research is to be drawn up and signed shortly between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the University of Havana. […]

2020-01-21T15:09:58+02:00Friday, 6 December 2019|Categories: General Academic News|Tags: |
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