Presentation of the book “On the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia”

The publication "On the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia" was presented to the media in "Prof. Marin Drinov” hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The book includes a scientifically substantiated text on the topic of the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia, written in a popular language and intended for a wide range of readers, which BAS has published in an illustrated edition. The authors are scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and three universities: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski", "St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo and South-West University “Neofit Rilski”- Blagoevgrad. The book is published 41 years after the publication of the study on “The unity of the Bulgarian language" and contains very precise [...]

2020-05-09T17:10:03+03:00Thursday, 7 May 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Donation to the Institute of Microbiology of BAS

photo: BNA The Institute of Microbiology of BAS has received a donation of BGN 30 thousand for the continuation of the research of scientists from the Virology Department. The funds were collected by MPs from the “BSP for Bulgaria” parliamentary group and will be used to find substances with antiviral activity. We are making this donation in the name of the future, in the name of science, BSP leader Korneliya Ninova announced before reporters. She added that she and her colleagues believed in the capacity and capabilities of Bulgarian scientists to seek and find a cure for coronavirus. The director of the Institute of Microbiology Assoc. Prof. Penka Petrova thanked for the donation and announced that the scientists were ready with 22 chemically [...]

2020-04-03T21:24:54+03:00Monday, 30 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

BAS showed a sample of ready-made activated charcoal masks at the Ministry of Economy

Samples of masks with activated charcoal filters made of apricot stones that do not leak viruses of a size similar to coronaviruses were presented by Prof. Pavlinka Dolashka of the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center for Phytochemistry of BAS at a meeting with the Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov. The filters have already been tested at the Virology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski". Tests have shown that 50 hours are observed during which the virus cannot pass through the mask. The filter can be used for masks many times, sterilized under steam to be used again, Prof Pavlinka Dolashka explained during the meeting. Филтърът може да се ползва за маски многократно, като се стерилизира под пара, за да [...]

2020-04-03T21:23:32+03:00Friday, 20 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

BAS scientists join the National Operational Staff to combat coronavirus

Today, a team of scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has been attached to the National Operational Staff to help with real-time data on the spread of coronavirus as well as predictions. This has been made clear at a briefing at the Council of Ministers today. Biologists and chemists from BAS are supporting the activities of the government and the National Operations Staff to limit the spread of the coronavirus. From today on, we will participate with capacity and expertise in the field of mathematical modeling in biology, said the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full member of the Academy. He pointed out that BAS scientists have been working with models they have been developing in recent years on a national scientific program [...]

2020-04-03T21:27:27+03:00Thursday, 19 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

BAS has formed a working group on coronavirus

In connection with the occurrence of coronavirus cases in Bulgaria, the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, has formed a working group of specialists to assist the Council of Ministers and the National Crisis Staff. The Head of the working group is the director of the Institute of Microbiology of BAS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Petrova.

2020-03-11T16:45:51+02:00Wednesday, 11 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

BAS presented innovations to combat coronavirus to the Council of Ministers

At the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, we have developments in various institutes that are related to the production of new materials and can help at this time of crisis to improve the quality of Bulgarian mask production. This was announced by the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers today. One of them is of the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center for Phytochemistry (IOCCP), and the other one is of the Institute of Polymers, the President of BAS added. We have developed activated charcoal which is a waste product of apricot stones, said Prof. Pavlina Dolashka (IOCCP). She explained that activated charcoal has been tested for the treatment of severe diabetic wounds [...]

2020-03-11T16:44:15+02:00Tuesday, 10 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|
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