The President of BAS has been elected Vice-President of EASAC

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, was elected Vice-President of EASAC for a term of office 2021-2023. The European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) is formed by the national scientific academies of the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland. Through EASAC, academies work together to provide independent, expert, evidence-based advice on the scientific aspects of European policies to those who make or influence policy within the European institutions. Prof. Revalski participated in a virtual meeting of EASAC on 26 and 27 November. The activities of the organisation during the last six months, the project proposal "Regenerative Agriculture", the new document of the organisation "Transformative Change" were discussed and a SAPEA project report was presented. The activities of the member [...]

2020-12-03T10:41:44+02:00Wednesday, 2 December 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Second term of office for Prof. Julian Revalski as President of BAS

Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, was elected President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the period 2021-2024. The meeting of the General Assembly of BAS for the election of a president was held online on 30 November. According to the anti-epidemic measures in the country, the secret ballot was held according to a pre-specified schedule. […]

2020-12-01T11:54:31+02:00Monday, 30 November 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Virtual visits to BAS during the European Night of Scientists

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is opening doors for virtual visits to laboratories at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry and at the Center of Competence in Mechatronics and Clean Technologies MIRACle. Within the framework of the European Night of Scientists 2020 initiative, the richest collection of plants on the Balkan Peninsula which is stored in the Botanical Garden of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, will be shown online on 27 November. […]

2020-11-25T10:28:10+02:00Monday, 23 November 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Announcement of the Management of BAS

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, true to its traditions to take care of "the study of the Bulgarian lands and nature, the Bulgarian way of life, the language, literature, the Bulgarian history…", closely monitors the development of relations between Sofia and Skopje. It finds the Bulgarian government's efforts to integrate the Republic of North Macedonia into the values ​​of the European Union fruitful and supports its position before the European Commission that it does not accept the currently proposed negotiating framework for the Republic of North Macedonia and the draft declaration thereof. In this regard, it states that it will steadfastly defend with scientific means the historical truth about the past of the historical-geographical region of Macedonia, incl. the Bulgarian national and cultural affiliation of [...]

2020-11-11T10:43:32+02:00Tuesday, 10 November 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Scientists from IICT-BAS with the grand prize for the most innovative project of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

A team from the Institute of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS, led by Prof. Dimitar Karastoyanov, won the Award for Best Innovative Project in the competition of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The project is entitled “3D DIGITIZATION OF NATIONAL CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE SITES” and a total of five patents are used in it. The project is also designed for blind people, using Braille screens and Braille displays. […]

2020-11-05T10:26:35+02:00Thursday, 29 October 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Jubilee edition “150 years Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Temple of Knowledge”

The publication “150 years Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Temple of Knowledge” is the first encyclopaedic edition of BAS which brings together in one book a wide range of topics related to both the diverse scientific activity and the centuries-old history of the Academy. In a popular science and comprehensible form, it presents the contemporary image of BAS and its scientific potential, the 150-year history of organisational and scientific activity and the significant achievements of academic scientists in all fields of knowledge. […]

2020-10-27T14:24:12+02:00Monday, 26 October 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|
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