Scientists of BAS with awards for high scientific achievements

  Three scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences received the "Marin Drinov" honorary medal on a ribbon at a solemn assembly on the occasion of the National Enlighteners Day. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, presented the awards. Prof. Pepka Boyadjieva received the award for high scientific achievements in the field of sociology of education. Prof. Vladko Murdarov was awarded for his significant contributions in the field of Bulgarian and Slavic linguistics. Prof. Neli Koseva was awarded for her multifaceted public, organizational and expert activities and for her significant contribution to raising the prestige of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as well as Bulgarian science at home and abroad. The Vice President of the Academy Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva [...]

2023-11-06T10:17:19+02:00Wednesday, 1 November 2023|Categories: General Academic News, General news, Selected|


Acad. Ivan Todorov is one of the world's most eminent Bulgarian scientists - physicists. He is known for his contributions to mathematical physics, in particular quantum field theory. He has made significant contributions in the field of Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory and two-dimensional conformal theories and is among the founders of the school of mathematical physics in Bulgaria which has gained recognition in scientific circles. Professor at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) and Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1967. Elected Academician - in 1974 (at the age of 40 - the youngest academician in Bulgaria then). Acad. Todorov has also worked at numerous scientific institutes around the world, such as the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton [...]

2023-10-31T10:22:36+02:00Thursday, 26 October 2023|Categories: General news|

BAS and Institut Curie discussed the construction of BioMedRTC

The Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva, and the Scientific Secretary of the "Biomedicine and Quality of Life" division, Corr. Memb. Nina Atanasova, met with Dorthe Nickel, member of the management of Institut Curie, Paris, an International Relations Officer. The meeting was held at BAS in connection with the establishment of BioMedRTC - Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Research and Technology. The Institut Curie is a world-renowned research institute founded in 1909 by Marie and Pierre Curie. The Institute is a leader in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The Curie Institute is a leading European centre for breast cancer treatment and one of the most prestigious in France devoted to research on the cellular mechanisms [...]

78 Bulgarian scientists are among the best in the world, according to the Stanford ranking

  According to this year's ranking for overall career development of scientists (known as the Stanford ranking), 78 Bulgarian researchers are among the top two percent of top scientists in the world. Sixteen of them are members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (academicians and correspondent members), and another 33 are scientists from the Academy. The ranking is compiled annually based on an analysis of the scientific metrics of about 8 400 000 scientists from 176 subfields of science who have publications in Scopus, i.e. it sees 2% of proven scientists. A separate ranking is prepared for scientific developments in the previous year. It includes a total of 56 Bulgarian scientists in the top 2%. It also includes 7 scientists of BAS who are not included in [...]

2023-10-23T10:04:36+03:00Tuesday, 17 October 2023|Categories: General Academic News, General news|

154 years since the founding of BAS

  A solemn assembly on the occasion of the 154th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was held today at the “Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of BAS. The President of the General Assembly of BAS Corr. Memb. Evelina Slavcheva greeted the scientists and guests at the celebration. "Today is an occasion for pride, as well as an occasion for taking stock and objectively assessing the state of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and science in Bulgaria as a whole," said Corr. Memb. Slavcheva. "We have gone through difficult times in which we have survived despite the conditions in which we were forced to exist. In recent years we have enjoyed a renewed scientific infrastructure. Funding in science is much better but [...]

2023-10-13T10:29:13+03:00Thursday, 12 October 2023|Categories: General Academic News, General news, Selected|

European Heritage Days – Sofia 2023

For the ninth consecutive year, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences took part in the European Heritage Days initiative, which was held under the motto "Europe, a common heritage". The doors of the Academy's central building were open for visits on 17 September 2023, coinciding with the Sofia Day holiday. Dozens of visitors from the country and abroad crossed the threshold of the building of BAS and got acquainted with the history of the oldest scientific institution in Bulgaria and one of the emblematic symbols of the capital; they were given the opportunity to see the meeting rooms, the office of the President, whose interior aroused the greatest interest and curiosity, as well as the permanent expositions. In the “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall, the film " [...]

2023-09-21T10:35:10+03:00Monday, 18 September 2023|Categories: General news|
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