Awards for PhD students under the “Huawei ICT Talents Training Seeds for the Future” Scholarship Programme

At an official ceremony held on 07.02.2023 at Sofia Event Space 2020, Huawei Technologies Bulgaria honored students and PhD students from all over the country. The young people are finalists of the Huawei ICT Talents Training Seeds for the Future scholarship programme and were selected by a specially formed jury based on the short videos they submitted on topics related to new information and communication technologies (ICT). Among the official guests of the event was the Vice President of BAS, Corr. Mem. Evdokia Pasheva, who delivered a welcoming speech. Five PhD students from BAS were honored: Zhan Zhelev, Plamen Petkov, Iskren Ivanov, Vesela Georgieva and Miroslav Marinov. The awards were presented by Corr. Mem. Margenov, Director of IICT-BAS and member of the jury. In [...]

2023-02-10T11:03:42+02:00Wednesday, 8 February 2023|Categories: General news|

Annual Conference of CNSDR “Critical Infrastructure Resilience – Research and Technologies”

The Center for National Security and Defense Research (CNSDR) at BAS celebrated its 20th anniversary The Annual Conference on "Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Research and Technologies" was held at “Acad. Ivan E. Geshov” Hall of BAS. The event was organized by the Centre for National Security and Defence Research (CNSDR) at the Academy. The two-day forum, which includes an online session on 1 February, marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of CNSDR. The Director of CNSDR, Kamen Iliev, opened the conference. Experts and representatives of academia, state administration and public organizations participated in the forum. The Scientific Secretary - General of BAS, Prof. Neli Koseva, congratulated the team of the Centre for National Security and Defence Research on behalf of the Management Board of [...]

2023-02-03T10:33:53+02:00Tuesday, 31 January 2023|Categories: General news, Selected|

Annual scholarship in the name of Prof. Dan Shechtman

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, awarded a student team with a scholarship after the name of Professor Dan Shechtman which is awarded to students from 134 "Dimcho Debelyanov" High School. The ceremony was held on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the school. The scholarship in the category Natural Sciences, high school stage, has a total value of BGN 1,000 and was awarded to a student team that participates in the STEM lesson "Forest and Light". In April 2022, the Center of Competence "QUASAR" at the Institute of Robotics of BAS established an annual scholarship named after Professor Dan Shechtman for students of 134 "Dimcho Debelyanov" high school. The award is given to students and student teams [...]

2023-01-24T09:50:38+02:00Tuesday, 13 December 2022|Categories: General news|

Students present more than 50 projects at the Ninth Scientific Session of the High-School-Students’ Institute of BAS

More than 50 projects of students from 15 cities are participating in the Ninth Scientific Session of the of the High-School-Students’ Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (HSSI-BAS). The scientific sessions are held in "Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of the Academy.  Acad. Petar Kenderov who is the scientific supervisor of HSSI opened the two-day forum. At BAS we have a desire to help young people to develop and to get acquainted with what science offers - a good environment for development and a sense of being a citizen of the world because in science, when something new is done, it is new for the whole world, said Acad. Kenderov. The themes of the students and their supervisors are worthy of development in the laboratories [...]

2023-01-24T09:40:57+02:00Friday, 2 December 2022|Categories: General news, Selected|

Awards for Women in Science

The awards in the twelfth edition of the national fellowship programme "For Women in Science" were presented at a ceremony at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski”. Three inspiring Bulgarian women scientists were honoured for their research ideas as fellows of the programme for 2022. They are Dr. Nina Kaneva-Dobrevska, lecturer in inorganic chemistry at SU “Kliment Ohridski" (for the project " Water treatment for pharmaceutical pollution"), Dr. Katerina Takova-Sakaliyska, lecturer in biology at "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv (for the project "Immunodiagnosis of SARS-COV-2 infection by antigen produced in tobacco products") and Dr. Maya Zhekova, lecturer in quantum physics at SU “Kliment Ohridski" (for the project "Quasi-nondiffracting Bessel-Gaussian beams with residual topological charge"). The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, [...]

2023-01-23T15:29:05+02:00Wednesday, 30 November 2022|Categories: General Academic News, General news, Selected|

John Atanasoff – inventor of digital electronic computation

On the occasion of a publication on the Club “Z” website, which claims that John Vincent Atanasoff's contribution to the basic principles of electronic digital computation is the fruit of unjustified Bulgarian ambitions, academicians from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are recalling his achievements. The principles underlying modern computers are the essence of John Atanasoff's significant discovery. More precisely:           Using the binary number system. Numbers are represented only by 0 and 1;           Using electronic circuits to represent numerical information (0 or 1);           Introduction of regenerative (recoverable) memory;           Performing immediate logical operations. In 1939, John Atanasoff demonstrated a working prototype of his digital electronic computer. During the period 1939-1942, [...]

2023-01-15T23:45:49+02:00Thursday, 10 November 2022|Categories: General news|
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