The Assembly of Academicians of BAS elected foreign member of BAS and associate members of AACM

The Assembly of Academicians of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences elected as a foreign member of BAS Prof. Konstantinos Georgiou Nihoritis from Greece. He is a distinguished Greek Old Bulgarian scholar and theologian with numerous publications on Bulgarian cultural history and its links with Athos. He is a graduate of the Athonias Ecclesiastical Academy (1976) and the Sofia Theological Academy (1981). He is currently a professor at the Faculty of Slavonic, Balkan and Oriental Studies at the Macedonian University of Thessaloniki. More information about Prof. Nihoritis can be seen here. During its meeting on March 14, 2023, the Assembly of Academicians also elected two Bulgarian scientists as Associate Members of AACM - Prof. Ivan Kostov and Prof. Dimitar Sasselov. Prof. Ivan Kostov was born on [...]

2023-03-27T10:03:23+03:00Tuesday, 21 March 2023|Categories: General news|

Visit of the Ambassador of Switzerland H.E. Raymund Furrer to BAS

The President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, met with the Ambassador of Switzerland H.E. Raimund Furrer. The Deputy Head of mission Mr. Rolf Ott also participated in the talks. The President of BAS informed the Swiss guests in detail about the history, structure, way of work, achievements and scientific priorities of the Academy at national and international level. The Ambassador in his turn introduced Prof. Revalski with the current state of scientific and educational institutions in Switzerland and shared future opportunities in which scientists and PhD students from BAS could participate. In this regard, both sides agreed to maintain contact and, if possible, to cooperate in order to strengthen cooperation between Bulgarian [...]

2023-03-14T11:26:30+02:00Thursday, 9 March 2023|Categories: General news|

Corresponding member Alek Popov was awarded the National Prize for Humour and Satire “Rayko Alexiev”

At an official ceremony in “Stanislav Dospevski” Art Gallery in Pazardzhik, the "Rayko Alexiev" National Prize for Humour and Satire and the prizes in the accompanying competition for local authors were awarded. This year's winner is the writer Corr. Mem. Alek Popov. It is an honour for me to accept this award but I also accept it with great sadness because we all know what the fate of Rayko Alexiev is - a gifted artist, a tireless and enterprising spirit, a great public figure and a major figure in Bulgarian cultural life, said Alek Popov. The greatest threat to a society is when humour disappears and the ability for self-irony and self-criticism declines - then monsters and nightmares are born, [...]

2023-03-14T11:24:39+02:00Thursday, 9 March 2023|Categories: General news|

New Scientific Cooperation Agreement signed between BAS and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

A delegation led by the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, visited the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities on 1 March 2023. Prof. Julian Revalski and the President of the Israel Academy Prof. David Harel signed a new Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the two Academies. The renewal of the Agreement continues the long-standing cooperation between BAS and the Israel Academy and preserves the opportunities for joint activities in areas of common interest. The possible holding of an interdisciplinary workshop in Bulgaria with the participation of scientists from Israel was discussed to help establish new links between the scientific communities of the two countries. On behalf of BAS the meeting was also attended by the Vice [...]

2023-03-14T11:20:42+02:00Thursday, 2 March 2023|Categories: General news|

Sofia Airport to be named after Vasil Levski

The International Airport in Sofia to be named after Vasil Levski proposes the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. Today he has sent a letter to the caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev with the idea that the Council of Ministers should consider the proposal. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of the Apostle of Freedom Vasil Levski - one of the brightest and greatest personalities in our history. With this act, we will all express to the greatest extent our respect to the national hero of Bulgaria, who has contributed immensely to the revival of the Bulgarian spirit and the liberation of our Fatherland. Apart from being a cosmopolitan personality, the Apostle was also one of the [...]

2023-02-17T10:05:55+02:00Friday, 10 February 2023|Categories: General news|

QUASAR Centre announces the launch of the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure Plan of Bulgaria

The construction of the first of its kind quantum communication network in Bulgaria was officially launched on 10 February. It is implemented within the European initiative EuroQCI - European Platform for Quantum Communication Infrastructure. The initiative is aimed at building a unified quantum-communication network across the European Union, with Brussels aiming to ensure cybersecurity and communication sovereignty. The advanced computing capabilities of quantum computers make standard cyber defence increasingly difficult. It is for this reason that in 2020 the European Commission launched the EuroQCI Initiative, in which the Member States of the European Union participate. Eventually, all networks should be brought together into a single European network through interconnections. In Bulgaria, the construction of EuroQCI will be coordinated by the National Centre for Quantum Communication, [...]

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