Contemporary problems of Lie theory and its applications in physics discussed at a workshop

  The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS and “Lie Theory and its Applications in Science” foundation organised the 15th Workshop on Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics, which was held from 19 to 25 June 2023 at the Varna Creativity House. The Workshop was attended by 78 scientists from Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Slovenia, Taiwan, Ukraine, USA and the United Kingdom. In the scientific programme were presented, on the one hand, topics from Lie theory: representation theory, algebraic geometry and number theory, cluster algebras, infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras, superalgebras and supergroups, quantum groups and noncommutative geometry, special functions, and on the other hand - applications in physics: symmetries in string theory, [...]

Scientists from four continents discuss supercomputing applications in scientific computing

150 scientists from 22 countries participated in the international scientific conference "Large-Scale Scientific Computations" (LSSC'23) which was held from 5 to 9 June in Sozopol. The forum was organised by the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS (IICT-BAS) in cooperation with the "Centre of Excellence in Informatics and ICT" and the Municipality of Sozopol. The conference was opened by the Director of IICT-BAS, Corr. Mem. Svetozar Margenov. Scientists from Europe, the Americas and Asia presented their papers in 11 special sessions. The first special session was held in memory of Prof. Ove Axelsson, the founder and long-time editor of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, one of the most prestigious international journals in the field of numerical methods and scientific computation for problems of [...]

2023-06-16T13:55:47+03:00Tuesday, 13 June 2023|Categories: General news|

60 years “Acad. Emil Djakov” Institute of Electronics

  The "Acad. Emil Djakov" Institute of Electronics (IE) received an honorary plaquette - GOLD at a solemn assembly on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Institute. The award is for excellence in the field of materials science, nanosciences, quantum optics, biomedical photonics. The Chief Scientific Secretary of BAS Prof. Neli Koseva presented the award to the Director Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Kutsarova and congratulated the scientists on behalf of the President of the BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. The staff of the Institute of Electronics takes great care to build and educate young generations of scientists with high scientific potential and ambition. Among the activities of the scientists are concrete applications in the field of improving [...]

2023-06-16T13:49:10+03:00Thursday, 8 June 2023|Categories: General news|

Exhibition “Cajal, 170 years”

  An exhibition "Cajal, 170 years", dedicated to the Spanish Nobel laureate Santiago Ramon y Cajal, was opened today at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The exhibition is on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the birth of the Spanish scientist and the 90th anniversary of the opening of the Cajal Institute. Santiago Ramon y Cajal is considered the founder of neuroscience for his discoveries about the mechanisms that govern the morphology and connecting processes of nerve cells. This exhibition tells the story of Cajal's remarkable life, his great contributions and dedication to science. His illustrations are still used in medical textbooks today, said the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. The Ambassador of Spain H.E. Alejandro Polanco thanked [...]

2023-06-09T11:30:08+03:00Monday, 5 June 2023|Categories: General news, Selected|

International Booker Prize for Corresponding Member Georgi Gospodinov

At the ceremony in London, the writer said in Bulgarian: "Happy holiday, happy miracle of language!" The novel "Time Shelter" by the writer and poet Georgi Gospodinov, who is a corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, won this year's Booker International Prize. The novel was translated into English by Angela Rodel. The prize is shared between Georgi Gospodinov and Angela Rodel, giving the author and the translator equal recognition. The winner was announced on 23 May at a ceremony at the Sky Garden in London. "Writers not only from my country but also from the Balkans often feel outside the sphere of English-speaking attention," said Gospodinov. "It is usually assumed that 'big themes' are reserved for 'big literatures' or literatures written in [...]

2023-05-29T13:59:46+03:00Wednesday, 24 May 2023|Categories: General news|

Pythagoras Awards for scientists of BAS

    The 2023 Pythagoras Awards of the Ministry of Education and Science were presented at a solemn ceremony held on May 19 at the University of National and World Economy. Two scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences were awarded the prestigious prize. An established scientist in the field of social sciences and humanities is sociologist Prof. Pepka Boyadjieva, DSc from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS. In the category for established scientist in the field of natural and engineering sciences the award goes to Prof. Stoycho Yazadzhiev, DSc, from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS who is a corresponding member of the Academy. Clarivate Analytics presented the award for the best science metrics [...]

2023-05-29T13:57:54+03:00Monday, 22 May 2023|Categories: General news, Selected|
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