About Румена Калчева

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So far Румена Калчева has created 362 blog entries.

140 years since the birth of Acad. Metodi Popov

A close friendship connects our great scientist with Albert Einstein April 29 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Acad. Metodi Popov. The great Bulgarian biologist was born in 1881 in Shumen, and his brother was the mathematician Acad. Kiril Popov. Both are individuals with broad interests in science and the arts. They were involved in classical music since childhood, playing the cello and the violin. Acad. Metodi Popov graduated in biology at Sofia University, and later specialized in biology, comparative anatomy and parasitology in Munich with the world-famous scientist Richard Hertwig. He held a PhD from the University of Munich and worked as an assistant professor of zoology and comparative anatomy. He continued his specialization in microbiology at the Robert Koch Institute in [...]

2021-05-10T10:26:46+03:00Wednesday, 28 April 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|

200 years since the birth of Georgi Stoykov Rakovski

  The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great revolutionary Georgi Stoykov Rakovski with a poster exhibition which is arranged in the central foyer of BAS. The exposition traces the diverse performances of the great revolutionary, diplomat, publicist, poet, scientist through books and periodicals by and about Rakovski which are stored in the rich funds of the Central Library of BAS. Old printed editions from the Revival collection (original first editions of Rakovski's own books), books from the personal libraries of Felix Kanitz (with autograph by Rakovski himself), Nikola Nachov and others were used. In the year dedicated to the life and work of the great Bulgarian, on Rakovski's Day – 14 April, when Bulgaria celebrates 200 years [...]

BAS and BNA are expanding their cooperation

An agreement for joint activity aimed at popularizing scientific research was signed today by the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, and the Director-General of the Bulgarian News Agency Kiril Valchev. The President of BAS thanked for the opportunity to expand the information cooperation with BNA. This new initiative will enable the achievements of Bulgarian scientists to reach people outside the country, said at the ceremony in the press club of the Agency Prof. Revalski. Bulgaria must talk about the achievements of its science, said BNA Director-General Kiril Valchev and added that the agreement was signed on the world Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, and Bulgaria was the sixth country to send a man into space. The President [...]

2021-04-15T10:01:28+03:00Monday, 12 April 2021|Categories: General Academic News|Tags: |

12 April – 60 years since the first manned space flight

April 12 marks the International Day of Cosmonautics, and this year the 60th anniversary of the first manned space flight - the orbital flight of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The Space Research and Technology Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS) has significant achievements in the field of space research through the developed scientific programs and equipment. Our country is the sixth country in the world with an astronaut, whose scientific program is fully prepared by specialists in SRTI-BAS, the third country in the world with two satellites in orbit with all-Bulgarian scientific equipment, also developed by specialists in SRTI-BAS and the third country which created space food. At the moment, on the outside of the hull on board the International Space Station works equipment [...]

Ancient genomes shed new light on the earliest Europeans and their relationships with Neandertals

  An international research team has sequenced the genomes of the oldest securely dated modern humans in Europe who lived around 45,000 years ago in Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria. By comparing their genomes to the genomes of people who lived later in Europe and in Asia the researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, show that this early human group in Europe contributed genes to later people, particularly present-day East Asians. The researchers also identified large stretches of Neandertal DNA in the genomes of the Bacho Kiro Cave people, showing that they had Neandertal ancestors about 5-7 generations back in their family histories. This suggests that mixture with Neandertals was the rule rather than the exception when the first modern [...]

An interstellar comet is probably the most pristine object ever discovered

Image of comet 2I / Borisov obtained with the VLT telescope. Image credit: ESO New observations made with the participation of a scientist from BAS using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) show that the unique comet 2I / Borisov, which is only the second newly discovered interstellar visitor to our solar system, is one of the most pristine objects that have ever been observed. Astronomers speculate that this comet never passed a star nearby, making it an intact remnant of the cloud of gas and dust from which it formed. Stefano Bagnulo and his colleagues, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galin Borisov from the Institute of Astronomy with NAO - BAS, used the FORS2 instrument of the VLT [...]

2021-04-09T08:49:50+03:00Friday, 2 April 2021|Categories: Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies, Selected|
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