About Nikolay Ikonomov

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So far Nikolay Ikonomov has created 230 blog entries.

An international team described a unique fossil found in Burmese amber

Using state-of-the-art technology, a Bulgarian-German research team established the first fossil representative of the Callipodida order. The new, unknown to science type of millipede with a size of only 8.2 millimeters is found in 99 million-year-old amber. The new species of arthropod who lived in the Cretaceous period along with the dinosaurs is much smaller than all the known representatives of its group and differs significantly from all the species known so far which is why the scientists have separated it in a specially created new family and suborder. During the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, extending from 145 to 70 million years ago, the Earth was populated with various giants - from dinosaurs to centipedes with the size of a person. It turns [...]

2019-05-14T15:24:30+03:00Friday, 3 May 2019|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology, Selected|

A working visit to the United States of the President of BAS and the General Scientific Secretary

Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS and Prof. Evdokia Pasheva, General Scientific Secretary, were on a working visit to the United States from April 21 to April 25, 2019. During the visit, they participated in a number of meetings at NSF (the National Science Foundation) in Washington, as well as at Harvard University. The US National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency founded by the US Congress in 1950 to fund fundamental research. Its budget for 2019 is 8,1 billion USD. The purpose of the visit was to discuss concrete opportunities for the financing of bilateral scientific Bulgarian-American projects in priority areas and the steps to be taken by both parties to achieve this goal. A number of meetings were held with managers [...]

2019-05-09T16:19:08+03:00Thursday, 2 May 2019|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

150 trees for Earth Day and the 150th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Scientists and employees of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences launched the initiative to plant 150 trees on the occasion of Earth Day and the 150th anniversary of BAS. Saplings of more than 25 deciduous and coniferous species will be afforested in the scientific complex of BAS at 4th km. […]

2019-04-25T22:09:42+03:00Monday, 22 April 2019|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology, Selected|Tags: |

International recognition of a Bulgarian scholar

Prof. Nikolay Yanev, PhD, from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was awarded the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Extremadura, Spain. Prof. Yanev was distingushed for his research in mathematics and the theory of probability and mathematical statistics in particular. The award proposal was made by the Faculty of Science on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the University of Extremadura. During the ceremony, together with Prof. Yanev, the honorary title was conferred on four more world-renowned scientists. Professor Nikolay Yanev is a former director of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) (1993-1999), Head of Probability and Statistics Section (2000-2012) and currently Professor Emeritus at IMI-BAS.

2019-04-25T23:13:46+03:00Monday, 22 April 2019|Categories: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies|

Fifth Graders learned about the feasting rituals of lazaruvane with folklorists from IEFSEM – BAS

Scientists from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum of BAS introduced pupils from the 4th Primary School “Prof. John Atanasoff” in Sofia to the traditions on Lazar Day’s holiday called “lazaruvane”. The Fifth grade pupils listened to an educational lecture related to the feasting rituals of lazaruvane and learned more about the work of folklorists and ethnologists. […]

2019-04-25T23:12:59+03:00Friday, 19 April 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|Tags: |
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