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So far Nikolay Ikonomov has created 230 blog entries.

Three scenarios for the macroeconomic consequences in Bulgaria of the fight against COVID-19

The economists of BAS have developed three scenarios for the macroeconomic consequences in Bulgaria of fighting COVID-19. What is unique about the current situation is that the underlying recession is based on the vulnerability of the human factor; Express analysis assesses the socio-economic consequences of combating COVID-19; An overview of the monetary and fiscal measures taken in the states - main trading partners of the country has been made; Three possible scenarios for the development of the Bulgarian economy by the end of the year are proposed; The measures taken by the government so far have been evaluated and some specific recommendations have been made. Three scenarios for the macroeconomic consequences in Bulgaria of the fight against COVID-19 are offered by the Economic Research Institute [...]

2020-04-15T20:08:13+03:00Tuesday, 14 April 2020|Categories: Man and Society|

Scientists of BAS are assisting the Virology Laboratory at the University Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment and Emergency Medicine “Pirogov”

Scientists from the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS are assisting the work of the newly opened Virology Laboratory at UMHATEM “N.I.Pirogov”, specially equipped for the diagnosis of COVID-19. The team is involved in the effective development of the laboratory, providing its research experience and knowledge in the field of virology. Scientists will work with their colleagues at the hospital on a daily basis in all stages of processing samples for the presence of coronavirus. In addition to researchers already in the lab, the Institute of Molecular Biology is also ready to provide more specialists. The team leader is Prof. Iva Ugrinova, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology.

2020-04-09T16:28:00+03:00Wednesday, 8 April 2020|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|

The Institute of Art Studies of BAS grants temporary on-line access to its rare and expensive publications

Under the conditions of physical distancing and closed cultural and educational institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists at the Institute of Art Studies (IAS) provide temporary on-line access to their rare and expensive editions on the site: http://artstudies.bg/?page_id=12195 These editions are dedicated to up-to-date studies on the culture and art of Bulgaria and the world and are in small circulation, intended primarily for experts, richly illustrated and representative, but scientists believe that in a state of crisis and limited communication such books would contribute to easier tolerance of forced self-isolation. Certain editions of IAS are also dedicated to Christian art, and the on-line access to them is related to the upcoming Easter holidays. In this regard, the director of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Emmanuel [...]

2020-04-09T16:25:43+03:00Wednesday, 8 April 2020|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Bulgarian scientists participate in the discovery of teraelectronvolt photons from cosmic gamma-ray burst

For over 15 years, the three largest gamma-astronomical experiments in the world, HESS (in the Namibian Mountains), MAGIC (on the volcanic top of La Palma Island, Canary Islands) and VERITAS (in the Arizona desert) have been looking for evidence of very high energy electromagnetic emission (over 1 teraelectronvolt) from cosmic gamma-ray bursts. The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of BAS has been actively involved since 2005 in the MAGIC collaboration. It was created to study cosmic gamma radiation through the construction, development and operation of a complex of two Cherenkov telescopes and brings together about 170 scientists from 12 countries. Gamma-ray bursts are the brightest after the Big Bang short electromagnetic cosmic explosions that occur daily in the sky at an unpredictable [...]

2020-04-03T21:24:15+03:00Tuesday, 31 March 2020|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies, Selected|

Donation to the Institute of Microbiology of BAS

photo: BNA The Institute of Microbiology of BAS has received a donation of BGN 30 thousand for the continuation of the research of scientists from the Virology Department. The funds were collected by MPs from the “BSP for Bulgaria” parliamentary group and will be used to find substances with antiviral activity. We are making this donation in the name of the future, in the name of science, BSP leader Korneliya Ninova announced before reporters. She added that she and her colleagues believed in the capacity and capabilities of Bulgarian scientists to seek and find a cure for coronavirus. The director of the Institute of Microbiology Assoc. Prof. Penka Petrova thanked for the donation and announced that the scientists were ready with 22 chemically [...]

2020-04-03T21:24:54+03:00Monday, 30 March 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Study of stress and coping with it in the conditions of spreading coronavirus infection

The Department of Psychology at the Institute for Population and Human Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPHS-BAS) presents the results of a study of stress responses and ways of dealing with it in the conditions of spreading coronavirus infection in Bulgaria. The survey started on 22 March, and the results presented are based on data collected from 1365 men and women of all ages over the period 22-28 March 2020. The data are indicative of what the experiencing of an unknown crisis event of unknown duration and consequences is, such as the occurrence and spread of COVID-19. The situation as well as the measures taken affects the mental well-being of each person. The results show people's ability to mobilize their full capacity to [...]

2020-04-03T21:30:42+03:00Sunday, 29 March 2020|Categories: Man and Society|
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