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So far Nikolay Ikonomov has created 233 blog entries.

General Assembly of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA)

The Scientific Secretary-General of BAS, Prof. Evdokia Pasheva, participated in a virtual meeting of the General Assembly of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) on 3 June. Two new academies were accepted as members of ALLEA: the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts and the German Junge Akademie (Youth Academy). The meeting also elected new members of the Board of ALLEA for the period 2020-2022. The Board consists of 10 representatives of academies from Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The activities of the organization during the last 12 months and the steps for implementation of the strategic goals of ALLEA were discussed. The ALLEA activities report for 2019-2020 can be found [...]

2020-06-09T14:10:35+03:00Thursday, 4 June 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

The President of BAS participated in a meeting of the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC)

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, participated in a virtual meeting of the European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC) which took place on 29 May. The meeting discussed the activities of the organization over the past six months as well as some of the new documents of EASAC: the report "Packaging plastics in the circular economy" https://www.bas.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/EASAC-Plastics-complete-Web-PDF.pdf, the commentary on the EU's environmental recovery after COVID-19 https://www.bas.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/EASAC_Covid19Recovery_Web_26_May.pdf and others. One of the main topics of the meeting was related to the activities undertaken by the member academies in response to the coronavirus. Prof. Revalski presented the active work of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in nine points, emphasizing that the Academy reflected on its website also the news from [...]

2020-06-01T13:21:02+03:00Friday, 29 May 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Opinion of BAS on the occasion of the exhibition of the Russian Cultural Centre

On the occasion of the exhibition of the Russian Cultural Center in Sofia on the eve of the holiday of Bulgarian education and culture, presenting the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius as "reformers of the Slavic alphabet", "creators of the Church Slavonic language" and "first propagators of literacy and education in Russia”, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences expresses its bewilderment at the replacement of the historical and linguistic facts which are alphabetically known to all unprejudiced Slavic studies in the world, including Russian. It is sufficient to mention the name and work of the world-famous Russian scholar Academician Dmitry Likhachev who defines Bulgaria as the "cradle of Slavic culture", as the country that gave "the Eastern Slavs the highest layer of language." The world-famous [...]

2020-06-01T13:18:28+03:00Wednesday, 27 May 2020|Categories: General Academic News|

Five Pythagoras Awards for scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Five scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences received the “Pythagoras” Award of the Ministry of Education and Science for their contribution to the development of science. The award is presented for the twelfth consecutive year. The award ceremony of Pythagoras 2020 was broadcast on 24 May on Bulgarian National Television, and the awards were presented by EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev. Corr. Member Hadjiivanov and Acad. Sabotinov, photo BNT The Grand Prize for overall contribution to the development of science was awarded to Academician Nikola Sabotinov (President of BAS 2008-2012) and Corresponding Member Konstantin Hadjiivanov, Vice-President of BAS. The award was presented by the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev. I accept this [...]

2020-05-28T13:11:21+03:00Sunday, 24 May 2020|Categories: General news|

The report “Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being” from the WHO International HBSC Survey with data from 45 countries has been published

On 19 May 2020, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published the report "Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-being", presenting results from the international comparative survey "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children - HBSC", conducted in 2017/2018 in 45 countries in Europe and Canada. The survey has been conducted every four years since 1982 in a growing number of countries. In Bulgaria it is carried out by a team from the Institute for Population and Human Studies - BAS and the Health Psychology Research Center and is led by Assoc. Prof. Lidiya Vasileva, PhD, IPHS-BAS. You can learn more about the results of the survey in Bulgaria and about the international picture here. The two parts of the report "Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being" are [...]

2020-05-22T19:49:45+03:00Friday, 22 May 2020|Categories: Man and Society|

New scientific infrastructure is helping Bulgarian astronomers explore space objects with unique radio observations

LOFAR station in Onsala, Sweden. The low-band antennas (10-90 MHz) are visible on the left, and the high-band antennas (110-240 MHz) - on the right. Source: ASTRON A new scientific infrastructure complex, coordinated by the Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical Observatory (IA with NAO), will be included in the updated National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure 2021-2027 (NRSI). Over the last half century, our knowledge of the universe has been enriched by astronomical observations in the optical, infrared, and ultraviolet regions. But one region of the electromagnetic spectrum remains poorly studied - the low-frequency radio range, indicated the Institute of Astronomy. The LOFAR project for the first Bulgarian radio astronomy observatory, proposed by a team from the Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical [...]

2020-05-22T19:56:02+03:00Thursday, 21 May 2020|Categories: Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies|
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