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So far Връзки с обществеността has created 2521 blog entries.

Prof. Dimitar Sasselov with a diploma for an Associate Member of AACM

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, awarded today a diploma for associate member of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members to Prof. Dimitar Sasselov. Prof. Sasselov is among the most distinguished scientists in the field of astrophysics, said Prof. Revalski and recalled the decision of the AACM to award a special status to Bulgarian researchers working abroad. Bulgarian scientists or artists who work and live permanently outside Bulgaria are elected associate members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS. Prof. Sasselov presented his latest scientific discovery related to the origin of life on Earth with the presentation "Origin of mirror symmetry in the molecules of life". His research interests include the atmospheres and interiors of stars [...]

2024-10-11T10:18:18+03:00Thursday, 10 October 2024|Categories: General news|

The Institute of Robotics presents new lab for innovations in energetics

At the Institute of Robotics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the newly established laboratory "Robotic Systems in Energetics" was presented which aims to develop innovative solutions to the challenges in the energy sector through the use of robotics and automation. The event which took place on 3 October attracted the attention of the scientific community and brought together experts interested in the topic. The head of the laboratory is Assoc. Prof. Iliyan Iliev whose professional experience and ideas were highly appreciated by the director of the Institute, Prof. Avgust Ivanov. Prof. Ivanov expressed his confidence in the direction that Assoc. Prof. Iliev had chosen and stressed the importance of supporting this ambitious project. During the presentation, the academic staff of the lab was also [...]

The Beijing publishing house World Affairs Press publishes the monograph “The Rose of the Balkans. History of Bulgaria” by Academician Ivan Ilchev

The book is published on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China. The book has been translated at the request of the Beijing Foreign Studies University which trains Bulgarian-speaking specialists for China. Especially in this edition, Acad. Ilchev added materials on the history of the development of Bulgarian-Chinese diplomatic, political and economic relations. More than 60 years have passed since the last Chinese translation of the history of Bulgaria, which was written in the not-so-distant 1963 and was the work of academicians D. Kossev, Ch. Christow and D. Angelov. With the monograph, Ivan Ilchev continues his attempts to present Bulgarian history to foreign readers but not with direct translations, as is usually [...]

2024-10-03T16:10:19+03:00Thursday, 3 October 2024|Categories: General news|

Conference on advanced electrochemical research organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry

  BELCHEM 2024: Electrochemistry for environmental protection, life quality improvement and sustainable energy conference was held from 25 to 28 September in Haskovo. The event was organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of BAS in cooperation with IEES-BAS, "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv, Thracian University - Stara Zagora, TU-Sofia and UCTM-Sofia. The conference covered the full spectrum of modern electrochemical research conducted by Bulgarian scientists from across the country, engaging participants from universities and research institutions. Along with Bulgarian researchers, foreign scientists, representatives of the Bulgarian electrochemical diaspora participated in the forum. Thirty-two oral and 24 poster presentations were given on: electrochemical materials science, electrochemical energy conversion and storage, analytical electrochemistry and non-electrochemical methods for the study of new materials with electrochemical applications. BELCHEM [...]

Newly elected corresponding members of BAS

The Assembly of Academicians of BAS has elected the following new Corresponding Members: Mathematical Sciences: Corresponding member Ludmil Katzarkov (born 1961) He is currently one of the brightest and most respected representatives of Bulgarian mathematics at home and abroad with wide scientific interests. His scientific achievements are in several fields of mathematics and mathematical physics - algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry and topology, string theory, mathematical biology. His rich mathematical background allows him to use approaches and techniques from different mathematical fields to attack classical problems in mathematics that have stood open for a long time. Corr. Memb. Katzarkov has been one of the main driving forces behind the establishment of the International Center for Mathematical Sciences at IMI which occupies a unique place in [...]

2024-10-04T13:14:08+03:00Saturday, 28 September 2024|Categories: AACM, Selected|

Newly elected academicians of BAS

Elections for new members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (academicians and corresponding members) are held from 24 to 28 September. The Assembly of Academicians has elected the following new academicians of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:       Mathematical Sciences: Academician Stefan Petrov Ivanov (born 1957) His scientific interests are in the field of geometry and mathematical physics. He is an internationally recognized and established specialist in Riemannian and complex differential geometry, string theories, quaternion geometry, etc., with some of his strongest results in string theories and geometry. Acad. Stefan Ivanov has made an indisputable contribution to the development of the Bulgarian school of modern differential geometry and geometry of manifolds. He works at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University [...]

2024-09-26T12:58:24+03:00Wednesday, 25 September 2024|Categories: AACM, Selected|
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